Cards Component
The Cards component is a built-in feature in the Docs Theme that allows you to display content in a visually appealing card format. It includes options for adding an icon, title, and a link to related content.
Add the Card and Cards components to your page. The Card component is used to create a card and the Cards component is used to group multiple cards together.
_23import { Card, Cards } from 'nextra-theme-docs'_23_23<Cards>_23 <Card_23 icon={_23 <svg_23 xmlns=""_23 fill="none"_23 viewBox="0 0 24 24"_23 strokeWidth={1.5}_23 stroke="currentColor"_23 className="h-6 w-6"_23 >_23 <path_23 strokeLinecap="round"_23 strokeLinejoin="round"_23 d="M21 7.5l-9-5.25L3 7.5m18 0l-9 5.25m9-5.25v9l-9 5.25M3 7.5l9 5.25M3 7.5v9l9 5.25m0-9v9"_23 />_23 </svg>_23 }_23 title="Cards Example"_23 href="/examplepage"_23 ></Card>
A Card not wrapped in a Cards component will not be grouped with other cards. This can be useful if you want to display a single card in a different format than the rest of the cards on the page.
Example of card not in cards component